서울 종로_Four Seasons Hotel Seoul

양평_The Star Hue Village

대부도_The Heaven Resort

프랑스, 파리 – Hotel Ritz

Wood Floor: Oak, Brushed, Natural
Collection: Design, Modello Versailles
Hotel Ritz Paris
프랑스, 캡마르탱 – Residential project

Wood Floor: Oak, Brushed, Stained
Collection: Plank, Modello Domino
Private Villa
영국, 런던 – Residential project

Wood Floor: Oak, Brushed, Reagent T56
Collection: Plank, Inlays, Geometric
Private residence
이탈리아, 비첸차 – Cattelan Retail

Wood Floor: Oak, Barrique, Stained Naturalizzato
Collection: Design, Modello Ducale
Cattelan Italia Showroom
이탈리아, 밀라노 – Retail The Watch Boutique

Wood Floor: Oak, Brushed, Smoked
Collection: Design, Modello Versailles 02
Showroom The Watch Boutique https://www.thewatchboutique.com/it/
프랑스, 파리 – Forniture Retail

Wood Floor: Oak, Brushed, Smoked Stained
Collection: Design, Modello Versailles 01
Shworoom Retail Furniture
캘리포니아, 로스앤젤레스 – Residential project

Wood Floor: Oak, Brushed, Stained Naturalizzato
Collection: Plank, Modello Easy
Private Villa